
What is the Offensive Against the Fur Industry?

The Offensive Against the Fur Industry is a campaign group, whose aim is to abolish the fur trade. As a campaign, we concentrate on fur following one main goal (ending the fur industry) and several interim ones (stopping the sale of fur in individual fashion stores, closing fur shops, banning fur farming*). We develop a strategy for realising these goals and have a network structure. The Offensive Against the Fur Industry – and with it the individual campaigns – sees itself as part of the animal rights /liberation movement. Our fight is aimed against all forms of systematic and institutionalised violence, although we concentrate on fur trade on strategic grounds. We do not want animal exploitation to be reformed, but to be abolished. A peaceful coexistence between humans  and animals requires a vegan lifestyle. From our point of view implies this, a general rejection of all discrimination against and exploitation of individuals. We consider animal liberation as a condition for and result of general emancipative practice. Repressive, anti-emancipatory ideas and practice are inconsistend with the philosophy of the Offensive Against the Fur Trade and will not be tolerated let alone supported.


What goals does the Offensive Against the Fur Industry have and what are its targets?

The Offensive Against the Fur Industry aims to end the fur industry in all its forms – the breeding of fur animals, trapping, the manufacture and sale of fur products. This goal implies to end the violance against as well as the imprisonment and murder of “fur” animals. In order to achieve these goals, are our campaigns mainly directed towards the fur industry itself, but also towards the financial organisations which work with it, political institutions, and the public.


Who is The Offensive Against the Fur Industry and how does it work?

We are a network of different groups and individuals organised to aboliosh the fur trade. There is a campaign team which collects and collates information about the fur industry and makes this available to other animal rights groups. The campaign team also suggests strategies, coordinates actions and provides info-material. But all persons active in a campaign decide for themselve which form of action they take.


How can I get involved with The Offensive Against the Fur Industry?

The best way to help animals whose lives are threatened by the fur trade is to initiate your own action or to get active in actions organised by others. Anyone unable to participate actively can help through making the ideas known amongst his or her friends and family as well as through covering part of the campaign costs (material, legal costs, etc.).


For animal liberation – the OGPI Team


For further information please contact:



* We see the demand for a legal ban on “fur farming” as a purely strategic means to put pressure on the fur industry/ fur farmers. This goes generally for all reforms which are reached through legislative measures. Trials for offences against animal welfare acts can be a way of causing financial damage to the owners of fur farms.